Users Page

7 minute read Last updated on March 06, 2023

Use the Users page to view and manage the members of a tenant. The Users page:

  • Lists the total number of members in the tenant.

  • Lists the members in the tenant.

  • Displays information on each member.

  • Provides options to add, delete, and assign access roles to members.

All users joining a tenant are granted read-only access to the tenant and can download CSV (comma-separated-value) files (for example, from the Reports page). In addition, authorized members can assign access roles to selected users, providing the ability to edit certain pages in the portal, for example the Devices page. The following illustration shows the Users page:

Managing the Users Table

The Users table lists the members in your tenant and displays the following information for each member.

  • First Name - The member’s first name.

  • Last Name - The member’s last name.

  • Email - The member’s email address.

  • Date Added - The date and time on which the member was added to the tenant.

In addition to the above information, the Users table includes the following:

  • A header row where, if you click on a column header, the table sorts by that column. The column header displaying an arrow (up or down) indicates the current sort criteria and sort order (ascending or descending).

  • Selection boxes you can use to select users on which to perform an action. Selection boxes appear on the left side of the Users table.

    • To select one user at a time, click on the selection box in the row containing the user.

    • To select all users in the tenant, click on the selection box in the table header.

  • Action icons providing access to the functions you can perform on a user, for example the Remove User function. If you click on an Action icon in the Users table, you access the function directly. See the following illustration:

  • A Bulk Action panel that appears when you check one or more selection boxes. All available Action icons appear in the panel, and if you click on an Action icon, the function is applied to all selected users. In the following illustration, two items in the table have been selected, the Bulk Action panel appears on the right, and the available actions appear in the panel:

Users and Roles

All users must have a MarketPlace account before they can join (or create) a tenant. The user who creates the tenant is the tenant owner. The tenant owner has full access within the Shield Guard Portal. All other users must be invited to join the tenant via the Add New User button. As part of the invitation process, users can be granted one or more access roles permitting them to modify features/functions within the Shield Guard system. Users with no assigned roles are restricted to read-only access and cannot modify any settings on the portal.

Note: A tenant owner’s access roles cannot be modified by other users, and the tenant owner cannot be deleted from the tenant. To transfer the tenant owner’s license to another user account (for example, if the tenant owner leaves the company), contact your Shield Guard support representative.

In addition to granting access roles to new users via the Add New User process, existing users’ (tenant members’) access roles can be modified via the Users table on the Users page. Only users with the User Management role can grant or modify user roles in the Shield Guard system. The following user access roles are available:

  • Device/Policy Management - Users can:

    • Add/edit/remove devices.
    • Create/apply/edit security policies for devices in the tenant.
  • User Management - Users can

    • Add/remove users.
    • Assign/unassign user roles in the tenant.
  • License Plan Management - Users can

Adding a New User

To add a new user to the tenant, use the Add New User button to send an invitation. You can send user invitations either by email or by generating a link and sending it to the recipient. As part of the invitation, you can grant one or more access roles to the user. User invitations are valid for 7 days. Once the invitation is accepted, the user will appear on the tenant’s Users page.

Note: Only users with the User Management role can access the Add New User button.

Do the following:

  1. On the Users page, click on the Add New User button. The Add New User window appears.
  1. Specify the method by which to invite the user and the access roles (if any) you want to grant to the user. You have the following options:

    • By email - Send an email using your local default email account. The email contains a link that, when clicked on, adds the user to the tenant. Do the following:

      1. Click on the By email tab. The User field and the available access roles appear.

      2. In the Roles area, check the box next to the access roles (if any) you want to grant to the user.

      3. In the User field, enter the user’s email address. Once the field contains a valid email address, the Invalid email address message disappears.

      4. Check the box at the I understand… field. Once you check this box and the User field contains a valid email address, the INVITE button activates.

      5. Click on the INVITE button. Your default email app opens, displaying the email you just created.

      6. In your default email app, send the email.

    • By link - Generate a link you can copy and send to the user. Do the following:

      1. Click on the By link tab. The Invitation link field and the available access roles appear.

      2. In the Roles area, check the box next to the access roles (if any) you want to grant to the user.

      3. Click on the GET LINK button. The link appears in the Link field and is copied to your clipboard.

      4. Access the app you want to use to send the link and paste the link into the message you want to send. Include any information you want to provide to the recipient, for example that the invitation will expire in 7 days.

Modifying User Roles

To modify one or more users’ access roles, do the following:

  1. Check the selection box in the Users table for each user whose roles you want to modify. The Bulk Action panel appears.

    Note: If you select multiple users, you must assign the same set of roles to each user.

  2. Click on the Modify User Roles icon. The Modify User Roles window appears.

  1. The Modify User Roles window displays the existing roles for the selected user(s). Note the following:

    • A checked box indicates the role is currently assigned to all selected users.

    • A grey box enclosing a white bar indicates an indeterminate (mixed) state for the role with regard to the selected users. That is, some of the selected users are assigned the role, some are not.

    • An empty box indicates the role is not currently assigned to any of the selected users.

  2. Make any modifications to the set of roles you want to assign to the selected user(s). Note that if any of the selection boxes are in a mixed state, you cannot save your changes.

  3. Once all boxes are in a valid state, the SAVE button activates. To preserve your changes, click on this button. To abandon your changes, click outside the Modify User Roles window.

Deleting a User

To delete a user, click on the Delete icon associated with the user in the Users table.

To delete multiple users, do the following:

  • Check the selection box for each user you want to delete from the tenant. To select all users, click on the selection box in the header row of the Users table.

  • Once you select one or more users, the Bulk Action pane appears. Click on the Remove icon in the pane. The selected users are removed from the tenant.

Note: Tenant owners cannot be deleted from the tenant. Thus, the Delete icon is inactive for the tenant owner.