Settings Page

2 minute read Last updated on March 20, 2023

Use this page to configure settings for the current tenant, including tenant vault management options. See the following illustration:

Your configuration options are contained in the following sections of the page:


An authorized tenant member (any member with the License Plan Management permission) can use this section to modify the tenant name.

  • Name - When you first create a tenant, a default tenant name appears here. Specify a descriptive name for the tenant.

Policy and Device Status Notifications

To send email notifications to your MarketPlace email address regarding policy and device status, place a check the box. Otherwise, leave the box blank.

Shield Guard sends notifications when a device status changes to “Not Secure,” “Offline,” or “Not Assessed.”

Tenant Vault Key Management

An authorized tenant member (any member with the License Plan Management permission) can use this section to select a tenant vault key management option for the tenant. The default setting is Decentralized Key Management.

Note: The Tenant Vault Key Management setting applies to the tenant as a whole. It is distinct from the “tenant member vault key management method”, which refers to the vault key management method that must be applied to each individual password vault.

See the following illustration:

  • Decentralized Key Management - Require users connecting to this tenant to use Decentralized Key Management. If you select this option, tenant members are restricted to the Decentralized method.

  • Decentralized Key Management or Centralized Key Management - Allow users to choose their vault management method. Users have the option to select either Decentralized or Centralized key management.

Note: If you change the Tenant Vault Key Management selection to Decentralized Key Management, any tenant members or pending members who use the Centralized method will be restricted from the tenant. Tenant members using the Decentralized method at the time of the change can continue to use their current vault and key.

Shield Guard sends an email with this information to each restricted member, and also posts a banner in each tenant member’s portal indicating they are currently restricted from the tenant. The banner includes a link to the My Profile page, where the Modify My Vault Key Management window appears and the tenant member can change their vault management method to Decentralized and create a vault master key.