Viewing and Maintaining Devices

8 minute read Last updated on April 03, 2024

The Content area of the Devices page contains one or more tables listing the devices in the tenant. The Information bar lists the total devices in the group and the number of those devices whose security status is Not Secure. The bar also contains the Search field you can use to filter the list of devices that appear in the device tables.

When you first create a tenant, all devices (if any) in the group appear in a single, unnamed table. Once you begin adding device groups, associated device tables are added to the page. All devices currently assigned to a device group appear in their associated table. All devices not currently assigned to a device group appear in the “Not Grouped” table located near the top of the page, above the device group tables. Note that the Not Grouped table appears only if one or more devices in the tenant are not currently assigned to a device group.

For each device table, information appears above the header bar, for example group name and device quantity. To collapse the table to make room on the page for other tables, click on the Collapse button. To expand a collapsed table, click on the Expand button.

The following illustration shows a portion of the Devices page. Note the following:

  • The Title bar indicates the current tenant is the ABC Company.

  • The Information bar indicates the tenant contains a total of ten devices, three of which are currently assessed as Not Secure.

    • Six of the devices belong to the Not Grouped table. Five are visible in the illustration. The sixth device could be viewed by viewing the next page in the table (by clicking on the right arrowhead on the table footer).

    • Three of the devices appear in the HQ Building 101 device group table.

    • One device does not appear due to space limitations in the illustration.

Device Information

The device tables show the following columns of information for each device in the table:

  • Name - The device name displays here. The default device name is the device model, but the default name can be user-defined via the MarketPlace site on the Devices page.

  • Security Status - A device’s security status updates each time Shield Guard performs a security assessment. For each device in the table, one of the following security statuses appears:

    • No Policy icon No policy assigned - The device has been added to the tenant, but no security policy is currently assigned to the device.

    • Secure icon Secure - The device is compliant with the assigned security policy. All security settings are currently assessed as Secure.

    • Not Secure icon Not Secure - The device is not compliant with the assigned security policy. One or more security settings is currently assessed as Not Secure.

    • Not Assessed icon Not Assessed - A policy has been assigned to the device but the device has not yet been assessed by Shield Guard. The device will be assessed the next time the Shield Guard Agent communicates with the Shield Guard Portal.

    • Offline icon Offline - The Shield Guard Agent’s most recent attempt to communicate with the Shield Guard Portal was unsuccessful. Any of the following could prevent communication:

      • The device is powered off.

      • An issue with the agent.

      • An issue with output internet connectivity from the device.

      • Any other issue preventing the agent from establishing a connection.

      Note: While a device may show an Offline status, the Shield Guard Agent continues to enforce the latest security settings defined in the assigned policy, including any security settings set to auto-remediation.

    Note: For a Not Secure device, select the Not Secure icon to view a list of the issues causing the device to fail its policy assessment.

  • Policy Name - The name of the assigned security policy (if any) displays. To apply a policy to the device or change the policy currently assigned to the device, click on the Assign Policy button.

  • Last Assessment - A timestamp indicating the last time any of the following occurred for the device since the previous assessment:

    • The agent performed a self-check on the device, as determined by the Check MFP local settings frequency setting in the policy.

    • A security policy was assigned to the device.

    • One or more settings in the device’s security policy were updated via the Shield Guard Portal.

    • One or more settings on the device were updated, corresponding to toggled on policy settings on the device’s assigned policy. The agent ignores changes to any device settings for which the corresponding policy setting is toggled off.

    • The device’s security status changed, for example from Secure to Not Secure because the Password Security Duration time period expired without a change to the device password.

  • Local IP - The local IP address for the device displays.

  • Serial Number - The device’s serial number displays.

Device Actions

For each device on the Devices page, action icons are available such as Assign Policy. You can apply actions to a device individually, to devices in bulk, or to a device group.

The following illustration shows the action icons available for not-grouped devices:

Action Options

The following options are available for devices in a table:

  • Select Device checkbox Selection Boxes - To select one or more items on which to perform an action, check the box for each item. To select all devices in the Devices table, check the box on the table header. To de-select a box, click on the box again.

    When you check a box, the Bulk Actions panel appears to the right of the table displaying the number of items currently selected and any actions that can be performed on multiple items simultaneously. To perform an action on all selected items, click on an action. If you click on the X in the Bulk Actions panel, no actions are performed, you return to the Devices table, and all items are de-selected. See the following illustration:

  • Assign Policy Button Assign Policy - To assign a security policy to a device, click on this button. The Assign Policy window appears. Click on the drop-down menu and select a policy from the list that appears.

  • Move Device button Move to Device Group - To move the device to a device group, click on this button. The Move to Device Group window appears.

  • View Admin Password button Device button View Admin Password - To view the admin password for the device, click on this button. The View Admin Password Window appears.

  • Remove Device button Remove from Shield Guard - To remove the device from the tenant, click on this button. In the window that appears, click on Remove. The device is removed from the group and is now available for selection in the Import Devices from MarketPlace window where you can it add to a tenant. To return to the Devices page without removing the device, click on the Cancel button.

  • Edit button Edit - Accesses the Modify Device Group window. Available only for device groups.

Viewing the Admin Password

To view the admin password for a device, click on the associated View Admin Password button in the Devices table. The View Admin Password window appears, displaying the admin password for the selected device. See the following illustration:

To copy the password to the clipboard, click on the Copy button next to the Device Password field.

Admin Password Unknown

If the View Admin Password button is inactive, you cannot view the password on this page. The “Admin password unknown” message appears when you hover the pointer over the button, indicating Shield Guard is out of sync with the device’s admin password.

For Shield Guard to access and display the admin password for a device, the following must be true:

  • A security policy must be assigned to the device.

  • The Admin Password Configuration setting must be toggled on for the policy.

  • The admin password stored in the Shield Guard Agent must match the device’s admin password.

Note: Once the above is true for the device, the device admin password will be accessible after the next heartbeat sync occurs and you refresh the page.

Applying an Action to an Individual Device

To apply an action to an individual device, click on the action icon in the associated row. You can also check the selection box on the left side of the table and select an action from the Bulk Actions panel. Once you select an action, a pop-up window will appear in which you can perform the action.

Applying an Action to a Device Group

For devices in a device group, a slightly different set of options is available than for un-grouped devices. Like un-grouped devices, each device in the group has a set of action options. However, additional action options are available above the table header. These are device group actions. The following illustration shows the action icons available for the device group “HQ Building 101”:

Device group actions apply an action to all devices in the device group. The following actions are available:

Exporting Device Admin Passwords

To export the current tenant’s device admin passwords to a CSV file, use the Export Admin Passwords button. For example, you can use the CSV file for archival purposes or for use outside of Shield Guard.

If Shield Guard can find admin passwords for one or more devices in the tenant, this button is active. If you click on it, a CSV file downloads immediately to your local drive. If no device admin passwords are found, the button is inactive.

The exported file contains the following information for each device in the tenant:

  • Device name

  • Device serial number

  • Device admin password (if known by Shield Guard)