Importing Devices

2 minute read Last updated on March 06, 2023

For Shield Guard to monitor a device, you must first import it into a tenant. To import one or more devices into the tenant, click on the Import Devices button.

The Import Devices from MarketPlace window appears:

The Available Devices panel lists all devices for which the following is true:

Note: Any devices already assigned to another tenant (whether by you or another user) appear dimmed and are not available for selection.

To import devices, do the following:

  1. In the Available Devices panel, click on the selection box next to each device you want to add to the tenant. To select all available devices, click on the box in the panel header.

  2. Once you select a box, the > button between the panels activates. When you have selected all the devices you want to add, click on the > button. The devices appear in the Selected Devices panel and the Import button activates.

  3. To remove one or more devices from the Selected Devices panel, click on their associated boxes and then click on the < button. The devices return to the Available Devices panel.

    Note: To exit the Import Devices from MarketPlace window without adding any devices, click outside of the window at any time.

  4. When the Selected Devices panel contains all the devices you want to add to the tenant, click on the Import button. You return to the Devices page, and the device(s) appear in the Devices table.

Note: Adding a device to a tenant requires a device license. If sufficient licenses are not available to fulfill your request, an error message appears. All available licenses are assigned, and you can purchase additional device licenses for any devices that were not imported.